Friday, 3 May 2013


Salam minggu orang mau ngundi~
tapi bukan untuk diri2 manusia yang lahir 1993 and 1992 dan ke bawah la ehh~ 

okay, about the tittle up there ----> DAURAH.

Do you know what is Daurah?

Actually, I also don't know the real meaning of it. I mean the actual meaning of that. But, its actually about a sharing or meeting among people to share some good knowledge or information. kinda like Usrah. err. I guessed.
But, what's for sure is daurah brings good to you. #serious talk.

From this daurah, I knew a lot about our Muslim's war such as Perang Badar and so on. I also got to know about hadiths and surah2 which bring deep meaning to people especially among Muslims.
Oh yeah, I also got to know about our responsibilities as Muslims to bring our life in the correct path or ways. Not only that, I did get to know about the history of prophets especially about Nabi Muhammad SAW. :)

*da macam buat refleksi dah, lantaklah~

some of my stuffs..

jaja, mirah, insyi. :)



hope to have this sort of acitivies in future..:)

Thanks Allah for choosing me to be in this way.



  1. yup daurah tu lebih kurang usrah cuma kelompok dia lebih besar...kdg2 tu usrah dgn daurah lebih kurang ja kuantiti dia...heheh
    tersangat la osem bila dpt kumpul mcm ni..
    dpt mengeratkan silaturrahim dan memperkukuh kan lg semangat ukhwah antara kita..
    byk jgk ilmu yg kita dpt kongsi dan manfaat kan dlm kelompok daurah tersebut...

    aiseh pnjang pulak han komen...hahah

    -btw have a nice day..Salam ukhwah fillah :D

  2. i see. thanks for your explanation, agak laa. sme je bilangan orang dia sbnrnya, but yg beza skit, dpt spend time more than usrah sbb bole tdo sakli la, mkn skali satu dulang,hehehe, have a nice day jugak.
    Salam ukhwahfillah. :D
